The 5 Types Of Belly Fat And How To Get Rid Of Each Of Them

Having a little bit much fat deposits in the abdominal area may negatively affect your health and also it can look very unattractive, but the first thing you should do if you want  to get rid of the belly fat is to discover the real cause of that.

It can be caused by many contributing factors, as for example general weight gain, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet, or some health problem. Saying in general, there are five types of belly fat and here we are going to give you an explanation for all of them.

Postpartum belly
After childbirth, there is a fat in the belly that will remain, so if you want to get rid of it you should start exercising more and also massage the abdominal area.

Bloated belly
Bloating and flatulence are many times a cause from some digestive issue, and so to  to treat them, drink a lot of water and maximize the ingestion of probiotics.

Alcohol belly
Drinking too many alcoholic drinks, as for example wine and beer, are very high in calories and so might negatively effect your digestion, so you should  limit your ingestion of alcohol and also eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.

Hormonal belly
Some imbalances in the hormones may many times cause weight gain and excess belly fat and in order to get rid of it, you should apply some dietary changes and find some way to regulate your hormones.

Stressed-out belly
The daily stress and sleeping deficiency can often lead to excess abdominal fat so if you want to treat this issue, you should definitely sleep at least 8 hours a night, limit the drinking of caffeine, reduce the daily stress, and avoid the unhealthy foods.


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